
Picture Photo credit: Moonrider Productions Thanks to the BCDGA membership for your care and respect for each other and the communities we’re fortunate to have disc golf courses in. The restraint shown putting club events, let alone tournaments, on hold is really appreciated and noted.

Please be confident the BCDGA leadership team continues to monitor updates and changes to Provincial Health Officer’s rules daily.

The BCDGA leadership team has been working through safety planning for the resumption of insured competition in the province; a draft plan was presented at the June 29 meeting and is scheduled to be ratified at a special meeting July 6. 

You’ll find the proposed safety plan in the minutes - please have a look through, let us know your thoughts, and if you have any questions, please ask.

At this time, organized competition encouraging travel outside our communities remains against the recommendations of the Provincial Health Officer and ultimately the law. With the ratification of our safety plan, in-club organized play may resume with the caveats that participants are club members who live in the communities play is taking place, and all rules outlined in the safety plan are followed. Please familiarize yourself with what’s to be expected.

Until Dr. Bonnie Henry gives the green light, there will be no BCDGA or PDGA sanctioning of events. We all appreciate members’ patience with this, and know we’re optimistic because changes are happening rapidly in the policies affecting organized sports in the Province.

More to come next week. Thanks everyone!